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Residential Properties Scope of Services
Allegro Properties has provided a wide range of property management services to residential and commercial properties throughout Stowe Vermont since 2010.
As a company, Allegro offers a great deal. But, we can do as much or as little as a client would like.
In house, our staff is equipped to provide screening and leasing services; financial management and budgeting, including the development of capital plans; regular maintenance and repair services; some landscaping services, and painting and carpentry. We are also equipped to provide all of the organization and management of sub-contracted services like plowing and snow removal, electrical, heating/cooling, plumbing services, and accounting and legal services; and develop plans for capital projects, among other activities.
Applicants / Screening and Selection
Publicize/advertise apartment availability at time of projected vacancy
Send applications to interested parties
Receive and process applications – perform financial screening, perform criminal background check, determine eligibility according to screening and property policies
Select desired candidate
Notify any other applicants of filled vacancy
Prepare lease agreement per state and federal law, and property policies
Confirm date of move-in and financial requirements at time of move-in
Review lease and all property policies with tenant (rental terms, House Rules, property maintenance, etc.)
Ensure all agreements are properly executed
Perform inspection of unit prior to move-in and written verification from tenant of the condition of the unit
Collect first month’s rent and security deposit
Rent Collection
Receive rent from each tenant each month
Ensure all late payments are collected
Execute written back pay agreements if necessary
Execute Termination of Tenancy notices, if necessary for non-payment of rent or other violations of lease
Hire experienced attorney (with approval of owner) to process eviction
Facilitate eviction with attorney by providing all necessary information and documentation
Be present at all court appearances
Understand and abide by all of the local, state, and federal laws that apply to renting and maintaining rental properties
Advise owner in the event of a legal dispute or litigation
Do annual budgeting for the upcoming year at the end of each year. And, provide updates to owner throughout the year
Provide all financial services for property – pay all bills, collect rental income, collect any other income, etc.
Reconcile all accounts each month
Ensure detailed documentation of expenses via invoices and receipts
Maintain all historical records (paid invoices, leases, terminations, etc.)
Provide annual reporting, structured for tax purposes as well as required tax documents including any needed 1099 forms, to accountant and owners
Advise owner on any known relevant tax changes related to their rental property
Provide easy to read financial statements which offer a detailed breakdown of income and itemized expenses to owner and accountant
Maintenance, Repairs, and Remodeling
Provide and oversee an in-house, full-time and part-time maintenance crew
Maintain a preventative maintenance policy to identify and address repair needs
Maintain a regular maintenance program for property, including all requirements in the state’s Essential Maintenance Practices Program
Maintain a daily/weekly/monthly maintenance and repair log to receive the maintenance request from tenant, resolve it in-house, or hire an outside sub-contractor if job necessitates it
Keep a network of licensed, bonded and fully insured contractors who have been vetted for good pricing and good work that is up to code
Assign jobs to different parties (in-house employees, professional sub-contractors) based on who will do the best job for the best price
Currently, properties managed by Allegro contract with Stowe Home Care Maintenance to provide plowing and snow removal in the winters, and mowing in the spring/summer
They also contract with Casella Waste Management to provide trash and recycling removal
Maintain 24 hour emergency access to Allegro staff by tenants
Establish and maintain a Capital Expenditure program for large, capital projects (roofs, gutters, large landscaping jobs, large plumbing and heating upgrades, exterior painting and carpentry, etc.)
Larger renovation, grounds, or rehab projects
Prepare preliminary cost estimates
Get multiple independent bids for the work
Act as general contractor overseeing the work
Tenant Move Out
Inspect unit and fill out a report on the property's condition when the tenant moves out
Provide tenant with a copy of inspection report, as well as estimated damages, if any
Return the balance of the security deposit to the tenant
Return any portion of the owner’s portion of the tenant deposit to the General Fund
Clean unit and perform any needed repairs or upgrades
Rent unit to new tenant
The Monthly Management Contract with Allegro Properties can include all of the above activities or those selected by the Client.
Monthly Contract Fee varies depending on scope of services provided.
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